




Product: 000125

Price: 500,000.00 baht

Number No.3

"Phra Somdej Yant 5 LP Tim Wat Lahanrai Temple Box Thai Buddha Amulet"


瑯勃拉·蒂姆(Luang Phoo Tim)於公元2422年6月16日出生於公元2422年6月16日,出生在聖華·羅勇(Bong Hua Tunnttabuon),坦邦·拉哈姆(Tambon Laharn),安菲爾·班凱(Ampher Bannkaii),榮華·羅勇(Bong Hua Tunnttabuon)。他的名字叫Tim,姓氏Ngamsii。 17歲那年,他的父親Kheh被送往Tan Phor Singh學習,19歲時回國,並於2499年6月7日在Thatkaow寺被任命為僧侶。他由Archan Singh的Phrakru Kaow任命。和阿舍恩·凱(Archa Kehh),並被賦予伊薩利科(Issaliko)的宗教名稱。在達卡寺(Wat Thatkaow)度過了一年之後,他在森林裡退縮了三年,然後到了春武里府(Chengwat Chonburi)的納特瑪敦寺(Wat Narmathom)呆了兩年。 Luang Phor Tim與Ajahan Lod,Ajahn Lem和Ajahn Saii一起學習了Wijja(魔術)。他還與Wat Kongchin的Luang Phor Song Thao叔叔一起學習。 Luang phor Tim正是從這個叔叔那裡繼承了Wicha和Arkom的書。 Luang Phor Tim成為Wat Lahanrai的住持,在那裡他是佛法的嚴格勤奮從業者。他被認為是一位非常優秀的和尚,幾乎沒有世俗的材料。在他住的小屋裡,他只有一個枕頭和一個沒有電的墊子。他過著簡單的生活。他於公元2518年10月18日去世,在僧伽度過72年之久。

LP Tim的護身符

* Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai *是Wat Lahanarai的Luang Phor Tim創造的最著名的護身符之一。他的護身符很受歡迎而且很昂貴,但是這是有充分理由的。一個受歡迎的帳戶已經在互聯網上得到了很好的宣傳。這是一個更新的且更準確的版本。羅勇府Wat Lahanrai的高級和尚LP Tim Isarigo的Phra Khun Paen Pong Plaai Guman被公認為是現代最神聖的護身符之一。真正的Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai護身符可能是最難找到的,到處都是假貨。此護身符在Metta Mahaniyon,Metta Mahasaneh,業務成功等方面得到了充分證明。創建此護身符的實際方法遵循古老的傳統方法。本世紀只有少數幾位修道士能夠製造這樣的護身符,他們就是Luang Phoo Tim本人和Wat Sahm Ngam的Luang Phor Tae。最受歡迎的系列“第一個街區”)包含Pim Yai和Pim Lek,有些帶有神聖的takruts,有些則沒有。一般認為,LP Tim曾請門徒為他製作護身符,每天他都會將新造的護身符帶到聖殿,然後LP Tim會逐漸背誦每個護身符的神聖咒語。確實,據記錄每天帶給他30至40個Pim Yai護身符和100至200個Pim Lek護身符。眾所周知,負責製作護身符的門徒說,只為Pim Lek和The Pim Yai護身符製作了一個模具。 LP Tim沒有做更多的模具,因此很可能只創造了一個系列的這些護身符。許多經銷商可能聲稱擁有來自不同系列的護身符,但要警告您最有可能被欺騙。產生如此少量的護身符的原因之一無疑是由於生產中的困難和危險。如前所述,在黑魔法科學專家中眾所周知,只有少數僧侶具備生產這種護身符所需的古老知識。 Lap Choicharoen先生如果較少的人嘗試這種過程,那麼他們很可能會自己變得充滿魔鬼精神或受到某種形式的傷害。 Wat Sam Nagm的Luang Phor Tae是僅有的其他掌握該知識的和尚。

Luang Phoo Tim was born in Ban Hua Tunnttabuon, Tambon Laharn, Ampher Bannkaii, Jungwat Rayong on the 16th June BE 2422 in the year of the Rabbit. He was named Tim, and his family name was Ngamsii. At the age of 17 his father, Kheh, sent to Tan Phor Singh to study, returning home at the age of 19 and was ordained as a monk at Wat Thatkaow on the 7th June BE 2499. He was ordained by Phrakru Kaow, Archan Singh and Archan Kehh and was given the religious name of Issaliko. After spending a year in Wat Thatkaow, he retreated in the forest for a period of three years, after which he went to Wat Narmathom in Chengwat Chonburi for two years. Luang Phor Tim learned Wijja (magic) with Ajahan Lod, Ajahn Lem and Ajahn Saii. He also studied with his Uncle Luang Phor Song Thao of Wat Kongchin. It was from this uncle that Luang phor Tim inherited a book of Wicha and Arkom. Luang Phor Tim became the Abbot of Wat Lahanrai where he was a strict and diligent practioner of the Dhamma. He was known to be a very good monk and possessed few worldly materials. In the hut where he stayed, he only had a pillow and a mat with no electricity. He lived a simple life. He passed away on the 18th October BE 2518 having spent 72 years in the Sangha.

Amulets of LP Tim

* Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai* is one of the most famous amulets created by Luang Phor Tim of Wat Lahanarai. His amulets are very popular and expensive, but for good reason. A popular account has been well publicized around the internet. This is an updated and somewhat more accurate version. Phra Khun Paen Pong Plaai Guman of LP Tim Isarigo, a senior monk of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong province, is respected as one of the most sacred amulets consecrated in modern times. A genuine Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai amulet is probably the hardest to find, and fakes abound everywhere. This amulet is well proven in Metta Mahaniyon, Metta Mahasaneh, business success etc. The actual methods used to create this amulet follow the ancient traditional ways. Only a few guru monks are known this century to be able to create such an amulet, namely Luang Phoo Tim himself, and Luang Phor Tae of Wat Sahm Ngam. The most popular series "the first block") containing both Pim Yai and Pim Lek, some with sacred takruts and others without. It is generally believed that LP Tim had asked a disciple to make the amulets for him and on a daily basis he would bring newly made amulets to the temple and then LP Tim would gradually recite the sacred spell for each and every amulet. Indeed it was recorded that 30-40 of the Pim Yai amulets and around 100-200 of the Pim Lek amulets were brought to him daily. The disciple responsible for making the amulets was known to have stated that only a single mould was created for both the Pim Lek and The Pim Yai amulets. LP Tim did not make further moulds and as such it's highly likely that only a single series of these amulets were ever created. Many dealers may claim to possess amulets that have originated from different series, but be warned you are most likely being deceived. One of the reasons that such a low quantity of these amulets were produced was no doubt due to the difficulty and danger associated in production. As stated previously it was well known amongst experts of the black magic sciences that only a few monks possessed the ancient knowledge required to produce such an amulet. Mr. Lap Choicharoen If lesser persons attempted such a process it is highly likely that they would themselves become possessed with demonic spirits or harmed in some way. Luang Phor Tae of Wat Sam Nagm was the only other living monk who possessed the knowledge.

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